Materails Be made of high quality craft paper, possessing good anti-humidity and tear resistant.

Environmenrai protection: All the materials are ncironmental, innocuous and comply with the standard exporting to Europe, USA and Japan ets. The materials can be recycled thoroughly.
Carrying capacity: More that 0-2000KG(can be designed to meet the customers'demand)
Dimension: Reaonabel design to meet thedifferentloadingreauirements, different specialization demands of the customers, in addition, theinking of making use of the space ets.
1. It's just like a paper so can save more space of the containers and the transportation vehicles.
2. Save the transportarion fee because of its portability and small bulk.
3. Need small store space, 1000pics-1 cute.
4. NO need turnover so save the money for turnocer.
5. No need material recycling.
6. No need repair and loss.
7. No need manage or recycling control.
Slip sheet system: It needs the forklift with push-and-pull machine. Transportation and stocking needn't pallets. It's very fit for the sea and internal ransportation.